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New Venture Acceleration Program

Business insights for early stage innovators ready to grow their business. 

Atlantic’s New Venture Acceleration Program (NVAP) supports business development for innovative technology. We have administered this program to individual clients and to cohorts of companies operating out of business incubators and innovation centers, and to dozens of Small Business Innovation Research grant awardees. We aggregate pertinent information and relevant data into a New Venture Acceleration Report our client’s use to propel their innovations to commercial success.

What kind of business can benefit most from NVAP? 

  • Companies in need of market research and rigorous business development  language to feed business plans, reports, and presentations

  • SBIR Awardees looking to craft the most compelling commercialization plan

  • Established businesses in the process of expanding markets for existing products or services 

  • Businesses ready to apply for grant funding and financing to provide fuel for innovation

  • Start-ups and established businesses creating or managing an R&D project or program to position for long-term success

What’s included in the New Venture Acceleration Report?

The final report consists of custom secondary market research and six business development modules.

Custom Secondary Market Research

Custom secondary market research is the first step in assessing the market opportunity for your new venture. It precedes primary market research like surveys, focus groups, and economic impact studies. We gather relevant quantitative and qualitative data from secondary sources to guide companies conducting R&D, commercializing new products, or determining whether to expand into new or emerging markets. Our custom research details market trends, industry size and structure, competitors, recent news, and other insights specific to our client’s needs.

Customer Identification 

Gather viable prospective customers to help shape innovative design, branding, packaging, and launch strategy. 

Stakeholder Identification 

Discover prospective collaborators, partners, industry experts, thought leaders, and other potential supporters. 

Brand Research 

Gain a competitive advantage through insights into product positioning, messaging, and packaging 

Business Model Development 

Outline how your organization creates, delivers, and captures value. 

Intellectual Property (IP) Considerations 

Safeguard your most innovative ideas. We provide clients with a preliminary step on the path to protecting your innovations through IP filings. 

Financial Forecasting 

Enhance early-stage commercialization planning and business modeling with projections based on multiple “what-if” volume, cost scenarios, and pricing strategies to replace traditional “back-of-the-envelope” calculations. 

If you’re ready to grow your business the New Venture Acceleration Program will provide a valuable foundation.

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